A man watches the aftermath of a fatal accident on Manhattan Avenue. Photo:Sheryl Imperati
The Greenpoint Gazette has an eyewitness account of the arrest and photos of the accident. New York Sh*tty has some eyewitnesses in the comments as well.
On a less somber note, the guys who run the Bedford Avenue taco truck Endless Summer are opening a barbecue joint and record store in L.A. [RackedLA]
City Hall News has a long, insider-y look at the comptroller’s race, featuring your local City Councilman, David Yassky, who apparently would like to divert some of the city’s pension investments to green technology. [City Hall]
…if you want a more readable look at Yassky (including details on his prior political missteps), check out this profile — wonderfully titled “Revenge of the Nerd?” — from the Observer a couple weeks ago. [Observer]
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