Tom Tom, the online magazine devoted to female drummers, is finally launching its debut print issue. Their launch party, tonight at Bruar Falls on Grand St, promises to be a rockin show.
Mindy Abovitz, drummer for Taigaa and More Teeth, as well as a Rock Camp instructor, founded the magazine with friends. It features interviews with women percussionists and drummers (Alison Busch of Awesome Color, and Frankie Rose of the Crystal Stilts). Tom Tom (online) also acts as a portal of information, offering technique tips and links to encourage the young girl drummers.
Playing tonight: math-rock influenced Each Other’s Mothers who make smart angular and jazz-influenced compositions, and Zombie Dogs, who bring back oldschool hardcore with fierce drum rolls, a female singer who yells like Ian Mackaye, and lyrics about “the pit.” Also in the house will be Painted Face (a brother and sister duo from DC, Allie ex Eystek), and a DJ Set by Telepathe.
Show starts at 8pm, free copies of the mag available, and Bags for the People will be on site, sewing Tom Tom drum stick bags throughout the night.
Bruar Falls
245 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY
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