Unfortunately, these economic times aren’t a-changin quickly enough. Yet we prevail. We eke on by, with meager diets heavy on the cheap fruit, veggies and ramen (with the occasional latte or brewski thrown in for balance on our recessionary culinary pyramid).
For the budget savvy: enter the Brooklyn’s Bitches on a Budget, an online site launched last summer which finds its inspiration from the need to be ever so frugal: from taking on a $100/month-salary filmmaking stint. The brainchild blog of School of Visual Arts film student Bennett Elliott—how much orthographic alliteration can we wedge in?—the site, crafted lovingly from her home, or as Elliott terms it, pretty much the most perfect apartment in the entire universe,” nestled just adjacent to the Metropolitan/Lorimer G/L stop, pretty much lives up to its name (in terms of living on a budget, that is. She herself is quite sweet).