Photo By Carrie Beckman
Community Board #1: New Domino Rejected [AShortStory]
photo by Benjamin Lovosky
Six Board Members with Connections to the Developer CPC, Casts a Questionable Light on the “New Domino” CB #1 Vote Tonight.
As members of Community Board #1 prepare to vote on their recommendation for the proposed future development of the now closed Domino Sugar Factory, more questions than answers remain. Undisclosed connections between certain community board members, and the Williamsburg based non-profit organizations they are associated with, to the developer of the site, have made an already tough process in clarity even more convoluted.
Photo by Benjamin Lozovsky
Oscar Night Suspense, Then Poof Cable’s Back [NYT]
Starbucks in Williamsburg [eatmedrinkme]
Photo by Benjamin Lozovsky
MTA cuts aren’t as bad as they were when they were really bad! [BrooklynPaper]
Photo by Benjamin Lozovsky
Check Out This Scary Poster Protesting Domino Sugar Plant Condos [L Mag]
Domino: Did we say 15 years? We meant to say “Forever”! [BrooklynPaper]