Photo by Eric Wolman
Zenkichi Abandons Bowery, Renews Vows With Williamsburg [VV]
Another dead cyclist — and cops hunt hit-and-run truck driver [BklynPaper]
Photo by Eric Wolman
Zenkichi Abandons Bowery, Renews Vows With Williamsburg [VV]
Another dead cyclist — and cops hunt hit-and-run truck driver [BklynPaper]
Residents want radioactive-waste firm Radiac out of area, away from school [DailyNews]
Lentol’s Radiac legislation product of political posturing? [NYPost]
Photos by Benjamin Lozovsky.
Williamsburg has given us a reason to loosen the grip of our madlove embrace from around our A/Cs, and to venture out into bake-oven temperatures of the waterfront. While Sundays are mostly reserved for the day to recoup after a messy weekend, so as to start the week afresh, the Pool Parties can be the place to listen to live music, drink beer and mostly just hang out, none discouraged by the sweat dripping from our brows. Many people like myself, I suspect, do not know the music they are about to listen to but simply go, just for the fun of it.