After a few years of doctors moving to Greenpoint and Williamsburg, all our medical needs can now be taken care of locally. As a result there is no need to travel out of the neighborhood.
An estimated 312 hours of travel and 520 dollars in cost are saved yearly. This number is the result of 2 individual medical appointments with 3 hours roundtrip travel time on train or bus weekly. The 520 dollars saved affords our neighbors 27 Mocha Frappuccinos, 17 Carmel Macchiatos and 6 Bacon & Gouda Sandwiches per year.
How to be a good patient.
Every doctor has a standardized form to simplify your medical history.
Please answer these pertinent questions and remember to bring them with
you to save time.
Do you now or have you ever coughed, sneezed, had an itch, a twitch, a cramping, a strain, a blotch, a bruise, a drip, a bloating, an irritation, a rash, a swelling, a redness, a sting, a chill, a drooling, a drooping, a dropping, a hive, a stiffness, a shaking, a looseness, a floater, a belch, had gas, a scratch, a pimple, a leaking, a tingling, a wheezing, a spinning, a limping, a sniffle, a bump, a redness, a reflex, a bite, a growth, an ache, a pull, a sweating, or a rotten banana.
For each symptom please list all dates, what activity you were doing and if you were wearing a hat?
Answer all questions:
Why you think you have experienced these symptoms?
How long did it take to go away?
How did they go away?
Did they go away?
How often do they come back?
Was your brother-in-law with you?
Please circle appropriate answer.
These symptoms occur:
Very often, quite often, often, sometimes, seldom, very seldom, almost never, never again, never say never.
How many doctors did you or do you currently see for these symptoms?
Did you get a second opinion from the first doctor?
Did the third doctors second opinion vary from the first two doctors first opinion?
Do you think you got too many opinions?
What’s your opinion?
Are you now or ever have been a hypochondriac?
How many opinions have you gotten as evidence?
The Doctor Is In – Brooklyn – From Head To Toe
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