This Saturday, Vyer Films will release Himizu by controversial and celebrated Japanese director Sion Sono, marking the films first availability online in the U.S. and Canada. The film follows Yuichi (Shota Sometani), a 15-year-old boy in Japanese town suffering from the after effects of the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami. He desires normalcy but is driven to violence. Keiko (Fumi Nikaido) is openly obsessed with Yuichi and makes it her mission to bring him back to the righteous path. Shota Sometani and Fumi Nikaido jointly won the Best New Actor Award at the 68th Venice Film Festival, where their performances were praised as “extraordinarily intense and effective” by The Hollywood Reporter.
When selecting films, the overarching quality we seek out at Vyer Films is whether or not the film is an experience. For us, “experience” is not about CGI and explosions, it’s a question of a film’s ability to leave an impression. As people, time is the most valuable thing we have, and we want to offer our audience films that respect that. Can the film bring meaning to a viewer even when she isn’t watching it? Is it a film that she would want to discuss at a dinner party, or would ask her friends to see because she is still forming her own opinion? This is what we look for: films that can find a place in our audience’s lives and keep creating meaning long after the credits have rolled.
– K.C. McLeod, Founder and CEO, Vyer Films
Vyer Films brings the best films from around the world to the audiences looking for something new, unique, and unlike anything available at the local theater. Packaging each rental with exclusive essays, videos, and more, Vyer Films helps spur the kind of discussions we all want to have after seeing a great film, the ones that go on much longer than the film itself.
A pair of new releases, dozens of features, an ever-growing back catalogue, and an infinite number of conversations, all for $20/month. Currently, Vyer Films on computers, iPads, iPhones, Smart TVs, and any other browser-enabled device.
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