Cold World by Naomi Sheton & the Gospel Queens drops today; from their label, Daptone Records:
“With Gabriel (Bosco Mann) Roth at the helm, Naomi and company went into the studio Summer 2013, and cut onto tape what can only be described as bonafide Soul Excitement of the highest order! At the heart of it, Cold World is a Soul record but the cross section of sub-genres the album weaves through makes it difficult to label it plainly as such.”
In the six years since the release of their last full-length record, Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens have toured extensively, playing main stages at some of the most prestigious festivals in the world, including Bonnaroo, The Monterey Jazz Festival, Montreal Pop, and The Ottawa Blues Festival. Though seasoned veterans, these last years of touring played a crucial role in the creation of the songs that would become the forthcoming album Cold World, twelve inspired new songs cut live to eight-track tape.
Rough Trade NYC
July 29, 2014 Doors at 6:30pm, show at 7pm, free
64 No. 9th Street, Williamsburg
Rough Trade event page
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