Following the Community Board Land Use Committee meeting Monday night, I want to provide everyone with an update on the issue of Saturday construction at Domino. First, there are a few pertinent facts to be aware of:
– As of last year, Community Board #1 had already taken a position against Saturday and evening construction variances (i.e. the permits that allow developers to work outside of normal hours).
– The ultimate decision to grant Saturday variances to Two Trees is made by the Department of Buildings…the CB is one input into that decision.
– The Community Board stance has been ignored to date by the Dept. of Buildings which has been granting Two Trees construction variances during the demolition phase.
– It is unclear on what basis the DoB grants these variances in general or in this specific instance. Many variances, likely including the ones for Two Trees, are issued in the interest of “public safety”, which is another definition that we do not yet understand.