Beloved Williamsburg Deli Owner Dies [Courier]
Mumps Spreads To New Communities [JewishWeek]
Calling all freelance creative workers of Brooklyn!
Join Work It Brooklyn on Feb 24, for a networking event to connect inspired creatives working independently within the creative fields. Graphic designers, dancers, musicians, tech gurus, painters, and others are welcomed in this evening of productive debauchery. WIB is devised as a forum to connect folks working from home without the benefit of a network support system, opening up the opportunity to meet and forge partnerships, fine and create work, instigate healthy competition, and encourage the exchange of ideas and potential collaborations, all the while having a whole lot of fun. [Read More]
Photo by Andrew Frasz
Burg’s Most Eligible Bachelors According to Aaron Short [Courier]
NYC officials try to contain mumps outbreak in Jewish enclaves [wcax]
Salinger Letters Reveal His Dream of Visiting Williamsburg [Gothamist]
B44 “Schlepper Bus” to become Speedy ‘Super-Bus’ [BrooklynEagle]
Photo by Bridget Batch
CB #1 Mtg, blow by blow, highlights of CPC’s New Domino Plan [AShortStory]
Sugarland! “New Domino” presentation [VozIzNeias]