Figures of an Infant Jesus, Dressed for a Feast Day [NYT]
A Month-Long Farewell for Rose Live Music [WSJ]
Is the Domino Developer Out of Money? [LMag]
Oh, oh, Domino! Lawsuit seeks to halt megaproject on Williamsburg waterfront [BklynPaper]
Photo by Eric Wolman
Vito serves it up for seniors [BklynPapers]
ExxonMobil to speed oil spill cleanup [CNN]
Elizabeth Streb’s gravity-defining dance troupe is back [BklynPaper]
As a Neighborhood Shifts, the Chain Stores Arrive [NYT]
Photo by Eric Wolman
Greenpoint now ‘flush’ with $7M [NYPost]
On the other hand, he really fights for loft tenants [BklynPaper]