By Marley Magaziner
By Anne Szustek
Photo by Dylan Isbell
Community Acupuncture Project
BAE/Greenhouse Community Acupuncture Project
445 Grand Street (at Keap St.)
(718) 599-2348
Mon/Wed 10:30am–1pm & 4–7pm , Sun 12–7pm
By Danielle Beurteaux
Photograph by Ashley Corbin-Teich
Photo: James Keivom
The night started off sweet, with Democratic mayoral contenders Tony Avella (left) and Bill Thompson (right) paying their respects to Sen. Ted Kennedy, whose passing swept the news in the morning. Then the gloves came off, and both candidates went swinging, their attacks landing not on each other, but on Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Photo: James Wagner
Condo Shame: Hipsters Buying Shiny, Well-Priced Apartments. [NY Observer]